Open Hours: Mon-Fri: 7 AM - 6 PM Sat: 7 AM - 3 PM Sun: Closed

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Open Hours: Mon-Fri: 7 AM - 6 PM Sat: 7 AM - 3 PM Sun: Closed

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Open Hours: Mon-Fri: 7 AM - 6 PM Sat: 7 AM - 3 PM Sun: Closed

Experience Total Comfort with Our Heating and Furnace Solutions!

Our company provides efficient, reliable, and cost-effective heating and furnace systems to keep your space warm. We offer a range of options tailored to your needs, including modern furnaces and cutting-edge heating technology. Our expert team ensures seamless installation, maintenance, and repairs, so you can enjoy a cozy atmosphere without worry. Experience unparalleled comfort with our heating and furnace offerings.

No matter what furnace type you need, we got you covered!

Take a look at the different Furnaces & their key features below.

Gas Furnaces

Key Features of Gas Furnaces:

Gas furnaces are a popular and efficient type of heating system commonly used in residential and commercial buildings. They utilize natural gas as a fuel source to generate heat, which is then distributed throughout the building to provide warmth.

Efficiency: Gas furnaces are known for their efficiency and quick heating capabilities. They can provide comfortable warmth even in very cold weather.

Energy Source: Natural gas is a relatively affordable and clean-burning fuel source. Gas furnaces produce fewer emissions compared to oil furnaces and can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Rapid Heating: Gas furnaces can reach desired temperatures quickly, making them well-suited for homes and buildings that require fast heating response.

Zoning Capability: Many gas furnace systems can be equipped with zoning controls, allowing you to heat different areas of your home independently, which can lead to energy savings.

Longevity: With proper maintenance, gas furnaces can have a long lifespan. Regular inspections and upkeep ensure efficient and safe operation.

Quiet Operation: Modern gas furnaces are designed for quiet operation, minimizing noise disturbances in your living or working spaces.

Cost Savings: While gas furnaces may have higher upfront costs compared to some electric systems, they tend to have lower operational costs over time due to the cost-effectiveness of natural gas.

It's important to have a professional HVAC technician install, maintain, and inspect your gas furnace regularly to ensure its safe and efficient operation. Gas furnaces offer reliable and effective heating solutions, making them a popular choice for many households and businesses seeking comfort during the colder months.

Electric Furnaces

Key Features of Electric Furnaces:

Electric furnaces are a versatile and straightforward heating solution commonly used in various residential and commercial settings. These heating systems rely on electricity to generate heat, making them an accessible and efficient option for many. 

Simple Installation: Electric furnaces are relatively easy to install compared to systems that require fuel lines or exhaust vents.

Clean Operation: Since electric furnaces don't involve combustion, there are no emissions, gases, or byproducts to vent, making them a clean and environmentally friendly heating option.

Safe Operation: Electric furnaces have fewer safety concerns related to combustion and fuel storage. They are considered safe for indoor use.

Quiet Performance: Electric furnaces operate quietly, providing consistent warmth without generating excessive noise.

Low Maintenance: Electric furnaces generally require less maintenance compared to systems with moving parts, like gas furnaces.

Zoning Capability: Many electric furnace systems can be integrated with zoning controls, allowing you to customize the temperature in different areas of your home or building.

Efficiency: Electric furnaces are efficient at converting electricity into heat, making them a reliable choice for regions where electricity costs are reasonable.

Flexibility: Electric furnaces can be installed in various locations, including small spaces, making them adaptable to different architectural layouts.

While electric furnaces offer straightforward operation and installation, it's essential to ensure that your electrical system can handle the additional load. Regular maintenance and professional inspections are recommended to keep your electric furnace running smoothly and efficiently. Electric furnaces provide dependable heating comfort and are an attractive option for those seeking simplicity and convenience in their heating systems.

Oil Furnaces

Key Features of Oil Furnaces:

Oil furnaces are a dependable and robust heating solution that has been trusted for decades to provide consistent warmth in homes and businesses. These heating systems utilize heating oil as a fuel source to generate heat, making them well-suited for areas without access to natural gas. Here's a closer look of the benefits of Oil furnaces:

Reliable Heating: Oil furnaces are known for their ability to provide consistent and efficient heat, making them a popular choice for colder climates.

Durability: Oil furnaces are built to be rugged and durable, offering a long lifespan with proper maintenance.

Suitable for Remote Areas: Oil furnaces are a viable heating solution for areas without access to natural gas pipelines, providing a reliable source of heat.

Energy Efficiency: Modern oil furnaces have improved efficiency compared to older models, helping to reduce energy consumption and utility bills.

Customizable: Oil furnace systems can be equipped with features such as variable speed blowers and multiple heating zones, allowing for personalized comfort.

Flexibility: Oil furnaces can be easily retrofitted into existing heating systems or incorporated into new construction.

Consistent Heat Output: Oil furnaces tend to generate higher heat output compared to electric systems, making them suitable for larger spaces and homes with high heat demands.

Adaptable Fuel Source: Heating oil is readily available in many areas and can be stored on-site, providing a consistent fuel supply.

Regular maintenance by a qualified technician is essential to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your oil furnace. While oil furnaces may require occasional maintenance and attention, they offer reliable and effective heating, especially for areas where natural gas is not readily available.

Propane Furnaces

Key Features of Propane Furnaces:

Propane furnaces offer efficient and versatile heating solutions for homes and businesses alike. Powered by propane gas, these furnaces provide reliable warmth in areas without access to natural gas lines. Here's a closer look of the benefits of propane furnaces:

Energy Efficiency: Propane is a highly efficient fuel, allowing propane furnaces to provide cost-effective heating with reduced energy consumption.

Clean Burning: Propane is a clean-burning fuel, emitting fewer greenhouse gases and pollutants compared to some other fossil fuels.

Remote Accessibility: Propane is available in areas without natural gas pipelines, making propane furnaces a reliable option for heating in rural or off-grid locations.

Versatile Application: Propane furnaces can be used for both residential and commercial heating, offering flexibility for various building sizes and types.

Quick Heat Generation: Propane furnaces can quickly reach desired temperatures, providing rapid response to changing weather conditions.

Zoning Capabilities: Many propane furnace systems can be configured with zoning controls, allowing for customized temperature settings in different areas of your home or building.

Reliable Performance: Propane furnaces are known for their consistent heat output, making them suitable for cold climates and homes with high heat demands.

Backup Heating: Propane furnaces can be used as a backup heat source in areas prone to power outages, ensuring continuous comfort.

Regular maintenance by a professional technician is essential to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your propane furnace. Propane furnaces offer a reliable and effective heating solution, especially for areas where natural gas is not available, providing warmth and comfort throughout the coldest months.

Dual-Fuel Systems

Key Features of Dual-Fuel Systems: 

Dual-fuel systems combine heat pumps and backup furnaces for optimal performance. Enjoy year-round comfort, reduced energy costs, and environmental benefits. Smart controls, zoning, and adaptability make them a reliable and sustainable choice.

Efficiency: Dual-fuel systems seamlessly switch between a heat pump and a gas or oil furnace, utilizing the most efficient energy source based on outdoor temperatures.

Optimized Performance: These systems automatically adjust to provide optimal heating efficiency, minimizing energy consumption and utility costs.

Temperature Flexibility: Dual-fuel systems are designed to maintain consistent indoor temperatures regardless of outdoor conditions, ensuring comfort year-round.

Environmentally Friendly: By prioritizing electricity from the heat pump and using fossil fuels only when needed, dual-fuel systems reduce carbon emissions and support sustainability.

Backup Heating: When extreme cold temperatures exceed the heat pump's capacity, the system switches to the backup furnace, ensuring reliable heating during harsh weather.

Smart Controls: Advanced thermostats and controls manage the dual-fuel system, optimizing performance and allowing homeowners to customize settings for energy savings.

Zoning Capabilities: Many dual-fuel systems can be integrated with zoning controls, enabling personalized temperature settings in different areas of your home or building.

Flexibility: Dual-fuel systems offer versatility in fuel sources, making them adaptable to regions with varying energy availability and price fluctuations.

Proper maintenance by a professional technician ensures the efficient and safe operation of your dual-fuel system, maximizing its lifespan and performance.

High-Efficiency Furnaces

Key Features of High-Efficiency Furnaces:

Elevate your comfort and savings with high-efficiency furnaces. These units maximize heat output while minimizing energy consumption, helping you reduce your carbon footprint and utility bills.  

Maximum Heat Output: High-efficiency furnaces are designed to deliver powerful and consistent heat, ensuring optimal comfort even in extreme cold.

Energy Savings: These furnaces utilize advanced technology to convert more fuel into heat, leading to significant energy savings and lower utility bills.

Reduced Environmental Impact: High-efficiency models produce fewer emissions, contributing to a smaller carbon footprint and a greener living environment.

Advanced Combustion: Precision combustion controls ensure efficient fuel usage, enhancing both performance and safety.

Variable Speed Blowers: High-efficiency furnaces often feature variable-speed blowers that adjust airflow, minimizing energy consumption and providing even heating.

Quiet Operation: Enhanced insulation and sound-absorbing materials contribute to quieter furnace operation, minimizing disruptions.

Zoning Capabilities: Many high-efficiency furnaces can be integrated with zoning systems, allowing customized temperature control in different areas of your home.

Smart Thermostats: Compatible with smart thermostats, these furnaces enable remote monitoring and control for optimized comfort and energy management.

Longevity: High-quality components and advanced engineering contribute to the longevity of high-efficiency furnaces, reducing the need for frequent replacements.

ENERGY STAR® Certification: Many high-efficiency furnaces carry the ENERGY STAR label, indicating superior energy performance and efficiency.

Experience the pinnacle of heating technology with high-efficiency furnaces, providing superior warmth, savings, and sustainability for your home or business. Regular maintenance ensures continued excellence in performance.

Feel secure with Hartzell's when you contact them for your home.

Our goal is to surpass your expectations and ensure that our service leaves you feeling more comfortable and prepared for any weather.

We Care For Our Customers

For more than thirty years, we have taken great pride in knowing that customers in Kingfisher County and the neighboring areas have consistently trusted us as their top priority.

Set Your Booking Online 

You can get in touch with us in any way you prefer, whether it's by dialing (405) 375-4822 or utilizing our convenient online booking form HERE. Our aim is to always be accessible to you.

No Matter The Issue, We can Help

We possess the expertise required to handle the maintenance of various heating furnace systems, ensuring that all your needs are met.

We Arrive On Time And Ready

Our technicians are punctual and prepared, ensuring they can accommodate the demands of your hectic schedule.

Rely on Hartzell's

We got you covered:


Installing a new furnace in your home is made easy by us.


You can rely on us to handle the current problems, as we possess the necessary expertise to fix a system that is not functioning properly.


Keeping your system and the investment made into it going strong relies on maintenance as the essential factor.

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